(i) Research News (2022)
WS Yu, ACK Tse, L Guan, JLY Chiu, SZK Tan, S Khairuddin, SK Agadagba, ACY Lo, ML Fung, YS Chan, LLH Chan, LW Lim. (2022) Antidepressant-like behaviors by transcorneal electrical stimulation in rat models. Brain Stimul. 15(3):843-856.
WS Yu, L Aquili, KH Wong, ACY Lo, LLH Chan, YS Chan, LW Lim. (2022) Transcorneal electrical stimulation enhances cognitive functions in aged and 5xFAD mouse models. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 1515:249-265.
Singapore Times: HKUMed and CityU Scientists Discover Non-invasive Stimulation of the Eye for Depression and Dementia
USNewsMail: Eye Stimulation Promises “Remarkable” Treatment for Depression and Dementia
The Independent: Electrical eye stimulation could lead to ‘remarkable’ treatments for depression and dementia
South China Morning Post: Depression and dementia may be treatable using eye stimulation therapy, Hong Kong researchers show
TVB News: 研究指電刺激眼角膜表面或能治療抑鬱及認知障礙症
FinanzNachrichten.de: HKUMed and CityU Scientists Discover Non-invasive Stimulation of the Eye for Depression and Dementia
UK Today News: Eye Stimulation Promises “Remarkable” Treatment for Depression and Dementia
The Standard: HKU and CityU jointly discover non-invasive stimulation of the eye for depression and dementia
Science Daily: Non-invasive stimulation of the eye for depression and dementia
Hong Kong News: HKU and CityU jointly discover non-invasive stimulation of the eye for depression and dementia
Australia News: HKUMed and CityU Scientists Discover Non-invasive Stimulation of the Eye for Depression and Dementia
Nipponese.news: HKUMedとCityUの科学者は、うつ病と認知症に対する眼の非侵襲的刺激を発見しました
Independent TÜRKÇE: Depresyon ve demans tedavisinde yeni umut: Gözleri elektrikle uyarmak
Independent Persian: تحریک الکتریکی چشم، راهی برای درمان افسردگی و زوال عقل
Gazeta.ru: Неврологи разработали метод лечения депрессии с помощью электростимуляции роговицы
Tromaktiko: Άνοια κατάθλιψη: Νέα μη επεμβατική θεραπεία των νευροψυχιατρικών παθήσεων
Mundodeportibvo: Descubren un posible tratamiento potencial de la depresión y la demencia
Webconsultas: El alzhéimer se podría tratar con la estimulación no invasiva del ojo
SciTechDaily: Eye Stimulation Promises “Remarkable” Treatment for Depression and Dementia
Medical Xpress: Researchers discover non-invasive stimulation of eye as potential treatment of depression and dementia
Funancial News: Eye stimulation promises “remarkable” treatment for depression and dementia
Trinity Medical News: 눈에 전기자극(TES)만으로 정신질환 증상완화
Focus.pl: Nowy sposób leczenia depresji? Nieinwazyjna stymulacja oka pobudza neurony w mózgu
Yahoo News: Electrical eye stimulation could lead to ‘remarkable’ treatments for depression and dementia
Yahoo Finance: HKUMed and CityU Scientists Discover Non-invasive Stimulation of the Eye for Depression and Dementia
星島日報: 兩大學聯手研究電刺激角膜-或可治抑鬱和認知障礙症
頭條日報: 兩大學聯手研究電刺激角膜 或可治抑鬱和認知障礙症
聯合早報: 兩所大學合力按摩頸電可治療抑鬱症和港口障礙症
Bastille Post: 兩大學聯手研角膜進行「電刺激」 料可治抑鬱和認知障礙症
大紀元時報: 港大城大聯合研究:經角膜電刺激或可治療抑鬱症和認知障礙
Miragenews: HKUMed & CityU researchers jointly discover non-invasive stimulation of eye for depression and dementia
柚知新聞: 港兩大學合力研發電刺激角膜 可治抑鬱和認知障礙症
晴報: 電刺激角膜 或可治抑鬱認知障礙
163.com: 最新研究!刺激角膜一箭雙雕,既可挽救老年癡呆患者的記憶,還可能抗抑鬱
cnBeta: 研究:對角膜表面進行電刺激有望“顯著”治療抑鬱症和癡呆症
昔日東方: 港大 城大 研電激角膜抗抑鬱
科技快訊網: 兩所大學合力按摩頸電可治療抑鬱症和港口障礙症
tom.com: 最新研究!刺激角膜一箭雙雕,既可挽救老年癡呆患者的記憶,還可能抗抑鬱
Daily Clipper: 研究:對角膜表面進行電刺激有望「顯著」治療抑鬱症和痴呆症
Healthsmart.com.hk: 用電刺激角膜,或可治抑鬱認知障礙
Headline4hk.com: 兩大學聯手研究電刺激角膜 或可治抑鬱和認知障礙症
Solace Media: 港大城大研究:角膜電刺激或可治抑鬱及認知障礙
Android 社區: 研究:對角膜表面進行電刺激有望“顯著”治療抑鬱症和癡呆症
BlvBrasil: Electrical stimulation of the eyes can lead to “outstanding” treatments for depression and dementia
7ZINE: La stimulation oculaire promet un traitement “remarquable” de la dépression et de la démence
Visão Saúde: Método de estimulação elétrica ocular pode ajudar no tratamento da depressão, demência e alzheimer, conclui estudo
Industry Update: Eye stimulation promises ‘superb’ treatment for depression and dementia
Knowridge Science Report: Scientists find how to treat depression and dementia from eyes
Heiki: HKUMed And CityU Scientists Discover Noninvasive Eye Stimulation For Depression And Dementia
FR Postsus: Stimulation non invasive des yeux comme traitement potentiel de la dépression et de la démence
MA Clinique: Nouveau traitement non invasif pour les patients souffrant de dépression et de démence résistantes aux traitements
[im] MÉDICO: Emplean la estimulación no invasiva del ojo como tratamiento potencial de la depresión y la demencia
Web Consultas Healthcare: El alzhéimer se podría tratar con la estimulación no invasiva del ojo
Posts US News ES: Estimulación no invasiva del ojo como tratamiento potencial de la depresión y la demencia
Saludconciencia: Los investigadores descubren la estimulación no invasiva del ojo como tratamiento potencial de la depresión y la demencia
Vitrosp: Стимуляция глаз обещает «замечательное» лечение депрессии и деменции
АНОНСЕНС: В лечении депрессии может помочь электростимуляция глаз
Medical Insider: Исследователи разработали стимуляцию глаз как потенциальное лечение депрессии и слабоумия
пульс: Исследователи разработали стимуляцию глаз как потенциальное лечение депрессии и слабоумия
Portal wemeds: Depressão e ansiedade podem ser amenizadas por estimulação elétrica da córnea?
Medi Magazine: Depressione e demenza: stimolazione oculare promette un trattamento “notevole”
Adamed TV: Emplean la estimulación no invasiva del ojo como tratamiento potencial de la depresión y la demencia
Lucvidal: Niet-invasieve stimulatie van het oog als mogelijke behandeling van depressie en dementie
Otomatik İçerik: HKUMed ve CityU Bilim Adamları, Depresyon ve Demans için Gözün Non-invaziv Stimülasyonunu Keşfetti
HealthWeb: Άνοια κατάθλιψη: Νέα μη επεμβατική θεραπεία των νευροψυχιατρικών παθήσεων
νέος: Μη επεμβατική οφθαλμική διέγερση ως πιθανή θεραπεία για την κατάθλιψη και την άνοια
Eghtesadonline: تحریک چشم باعث درمان افسردگی می شود
Tiells: Неинвазивная стимуляция глаз как потенциальное лечение депрессии и деменции
Şarkul Avsat: Depresyon ve demans tedavisinde yeni umut: Gözleri elektrikle uyarmak
HKU Press Release: HKUMed & CityU researchers jointly discover non-invasive stimulation of the eye for depression and dementia
CityU Press Release: HKUMed & CityU researchers jointly discover non-invasive stimulation of the eye for depression and dementia
Neurosciencenews: Non-invasive Stimulation of Eye as Potential Treatment of Depression and Dementia
TechInsider: Электрическая стимуляция роговицы поможет при депрессии
Cision PR Newswire: HKUMed and CityU Scientists Discover Non-invasive Stimulation of the Eye for Depression and Dementia
HTDS Content Services: HKUMed and CityU Scientists Discover Non-invasive Stimulation of the Eye for Depression and Dementia
News Medical Life Sciences: New non-invasive treatment for patients suffering from treatment-resistant depression and dementia
Notizie Scientifiche: Stimolazione elettrica transcorneale per alleviare depressione e migliorare memoria, gli esperimenti sui topi
Benzinga: HKUMed and CityU Scientists Discover Non-invasive Stimulation of the Eye for Depression and Dementia
BioSpectrum: Hong Kong links non-invasive eye stimulation with depression and dementia
The Indian Practitioner: Discovery of non-invasive stimulation of the eye for depression and dementia
VIP News Australia: New non -invasive treatment for patients suffering from treatment and dementia resistant to treatment
READ magazine: HKUMed and CityU Scientists Discover Non-invasive Stimulation of the Eye for Depression and Dementia
AboElfe News: Eye Stimulation Promises “Remarkable” Treatment for Depression and Dementia
ReachMD: New Non-Invasive Treatment for Patients Suffering From Treatment Resistant Depression & Dementia
Public News Time: Researchers discover non-invasive stimulation of eye as potential treatment of depression and dementia
Sd PICT: Non-invasive Stimulation of Eye as Potential Treatment of Depression and Dementia
Duct News: HKUMed and CityU Scientists Discover Non-invasive Stimulation of the Eye for Depression and Dementia
NS Medical Devices: HKUMed and CityU researchers find positive results from stimulation of eye
News for Me: Eye stimulation promises ‘superb’ treatment for depression and dementia
News-Medical: New non-invasive treatment for patients suffering from treatment-resistant depression and dementia
Newsbeezer: Scientists from HKUMed and CityU discover non-invasive stimulation of the eye in depression and dementia
Granthshala News: Eye stimulation could lead to ‘remarkable’ treatments for depression and dementia
Big Times: Eye stimulation could lead to ‘remarkable’ treatments for depression and dementia
Tech Times: Non-Invasive Electrical Stimulation of the Eye May Be Effective to Treat Neuropsychiatric Diseases
NewsNCR: Electrical eye stimulation might result in ‘remarkable’ remedies for melancholy and dementia
AP Direct: Electrical eye stimulation could lead to ‘remarkable’ treatments for depression and dementia
Neuro Rehab Times: New study discovers potential cure for dementia and depression
Health-Innovations: Eye stimulation promises “remarkable” treatment for depression and dementia
Latest News: HKUMed and CityU scientists discover non-invasive eye stimulation for depression and dementia
Levi Science: Non-invasive Stimulation of the Eye as Potential Treatment of Depression and Dementia
Rambler.ru: Электростимуляция глаз оказалась способом лечения депрессии
Knife.media: Исследование: электростимуляция глаз может вылечить депрессию
GranhalaNews: Eye stimulation could lead to ‘remarkable’ treatments for depression and dementia
Gene Online: Alleviating Depression and Dementia with Transcorneal Electrical Stimulation
IndianWeb2: HKUMed and CityU Scientists Discover Non-invasive Stimulation of the Eye for Depression and Dementia
Head Topics: Eye Stimulation Promises “Remarkable” Treatment for Depression and Dementia
RYB.RU: В лечении депрессии может помочь электростимуляция глаз
CSN-TV.RU: Врачи предложили лечить депрессию с помощью электростимуляции глаз
Stolica-S.SU: Электрическая стимуляция глаза поможет при депрессии
iNewsgr: Άνοια κατάθλιψη: Νέα μη επεμβατική θεραπεία των νευροψυχιατρικών παθήσεων
Associazione Alzheimer OdV: Stimolazione non invasiva dell'occhio è utile per demenza e depressione
clasnews: Stimolazione non invasiva dell’occhio come potenziale trattamento della depressione e della demenza
Dnews: Η ηλεκτρική διέγερση των ματιών υπόσχεται θεραπεία για την κατάθλιψη και την άνοια
Haberintekadresi: HKUMed ve CityU Bilim Adamları, Depresyon ve Demans için Gözün Non-invaziv Stimülasyonunu Keşfetti
Goroday.RU: В лечении депрессии может помочь электростимуляция глаз
ВЕВБАЙ: В лечении депрессии может помочь электростимуляция глаз
SM News: Электростимуляция глаз оказалась способом лечения депрессии
The Limited Times: New technology for electrical eye stimulation helps treat depression and dementia
Optician: Potential depression therapy revealed through the eye
Packaging World: Eye Stimulation Could Treat Depression and Dementia
Vet Clin Path Journal: Eye stimulation promises ‘remarkable’ treatment for depression and dementia
WFMZ-TV 69 NEWS: HKUMed and CityU Scientists Discover Non-invasive Stimulation of the Eye for Depression and Dementia
Alpha Galileo: HKUMed & CityU researchers jointly discover non-invasive stimulation of the eye for depression and dementia
Dmartpreneur: Eye Stimulation Promises “Remarkable” Treatment for Depression and Dementia
Timetotimes: Non-invasive Stimulation of Eye as Potential Treatment of Depression and Dementia
The Mahathian Post: Eye Stimulation Promises “Remarkable” Treatment for Depression and Dementia
X-MOL: Transcorneal electrical stimulation enhances cognitive functions in aged and 5XFAD mouse models
Hunter News: Non-invasive Stimulation of Eye as Potential Treatment of Depression and Dementia
Brilliant Business Stories: Eye Stimulation Promises “Remarkable” Treatment for Depression and Dementia
Newsfounded: Non-invasive Eye Stimulation as a Potential Treatment of Depression and Dementia
Eyesmart: Researchers Discover Non-Invasive Eye Stimulation To Alleviate Depression and Dementia
USA.FireNews: Eye Stimulation Promises “Remarkable” Treatment for Depression and Dementia
Regcare: Researchers explore non-invasive stimulation of the eye for depression and dementia
Med India: Non-Invasive Stimulation of the Eye for Mental Disorders Discovered
Ophthalmology Breaking News: Non-invasive Stimulation of Eye as Potential Treatment of Depression and Dementia
Bcrhn: Non-Invasive Stimulation Of Eye As Potential Treatment Of Depression And Dementia
Eye Health Academy: New Non-Invasive Treatment for Patients Suffering From Treatment Resistant Depression & Dementia
Fashion.packagingnewonline: Non-invasive stimulation of the eye for depression and dementia
Archyde: Noninvasive eye stimulation for depression and dementia
Gaming.coolnspicy: Non-invasive stimulation of the eye for depression and dementia
Precaliga: Non-surgical eye stimulation for depression and dementia – ScienceDaily
Newsbeezer: Non-invasive eye stimulation in depression and dementia
Family Movie One: Noninvasive eye stimulation for depression and dementia Psychology and Psychiatry News
World Nation News: Noninvasive eye stimulation for depression and dementia Psychology and Psychiatry News
InvesBrain: HKUMed & CityU researchers jointly discover non-invasive stimulation of the eye for depression and dementia
Medical Xpress: Researchers explore non-invasive stimulation of the eye for depression and dementia
Knowridge Science Report: New eye simulation method could reduce depression and dementia symptoms
User Walls: HKUMed and CityU Scientists Discover Non-invasive Stimulation of the Eye for Depression and Dementia
MenaFN: Hkumed And Cityu Scientists Discover Non-Invasive Stimulation Of The Eye For Depression And Dementia
Lehigh Valley Center for Sight: Applying an electric current to your eyes may sound like a bad idea, but…
The Health News EXPRESS: Researchers discover non-invasive stimulation of the attention for melancholy and dementia
(ii) Research News (2017)
RW Chan, ATL Leong, CH Leon, P Gao, EC Wong, CM Dong, X Wang, J He, YS Chan, LW LIM, E Wu. (2017) Low frequency hippocampal-cortical activity drives brain-wide resting-state functional MRI connectivity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(33): E6972-E6981.
Technology Networks: New Function of the Hippocampus Revealed
Hong Kong Cable-TV (財經資訊台 -至FIT男女): 港大研究用光刺激海馬體 幫助改善認知功能
(iii) Research News (2015)
A Liu, N Jain, A Vyas, LW LIM. (2015) Ventromedial prefrontal cortex stimulation enhances memory and hippocampal neurogenesis in the middle-aged rats. eLife 4: e04803.
CHANNEL NEWSASIA, ASIA: NTU scientists discover new way to treat dementia, improve patients' memory
THE STRAITS TIMES, SINGAPORE: NTU scientists discover new way to treat dementia by sending electrical pulses to the brain
UK DAILY MAIL: Could 'pacemaker' in the brain treat dementia? Implant may help condition by causing new brain cells to be formed
TODAY, SINGAPORE: NTU scientists discover new treatment for dementia
SCIENCE DAILY, USA: New treatment for dementia discovered: Deep brain stimulation
THE SCOTSMAN, UK: Electric brain ‘pacemaker’ could treat dementia
XINHUA NEWS, CHINA: Singapore scientists discover new way to treat dementia
MEDICAL XPRESS, USA: Scientists discover new treatment for dementia
CHINA DEVELOPMENT GATEWAY, CHINA: Singapore scientists discover new way to treat dementia
THE JAKARTA POST, INDONESIA: NTU discovers new dementia treatment by sending electrical impulses to the brain
HABERLAR, TURKEY: Singapore Scientists Discover New Way To Treat Dementia
BERNAMA NEWS, MALAYSIA: NTU Scientists Discover New Treatment for Dementia
ECONOMICS TIMES, INDIA: Zapping the brain with electricity may treat dementia
MIRROR, UK: Dementia hope as electrical impulses sent into brain could treat age-related mental disease
MEDICAL RESEARCH.COM, USA: Singapore scientists discover new way to treat dementia
南大校友事務處網站, SINGAPORE: 南大科學家發現失智症新療法
DUBLIN NEWS, IRELAND: Novel treatment for dementia shows promise
MACAU NEWS, MACAU: Novel treatment for dementia shows promise
IK BEN IN DE HEMEL, THE NETHERLANDS: NTU scientists discover new way to treat dementia, improve patients’ memory
MED GADGET, USA: Deep Brain Stimulation as New Treatment for Dementia
EDUWORLD, INDONESIA: Penemuan Obat Demensia oleh Ilmuwan dari Sunway University
GUANG MING DAILY ONLINE光明日報, MALAYSIA: 電激前額葉皮層 - 或助改善失智症 Electrical stimulation of the prefrontal cortex possibly treats dementia
THE TIMES OF INDIA, INDIA: Zapping the brain with electricity may treat dementia
ZEENEWS, INDIA: Novel treatment for dementia shows promise
FINANZNACHRICHTEN, GERMANY: Deep Brain Stimulation to Help Dementia Patients
ASIA ONE, SINGAPORE: Electric shock could help slow dementia
GOOGSTANDS, USA: NTU scientists discover new way to treat dementia
ASIAN SCIENTIST, SINGAPORE: Deep Brain Stimulation Could Treat Dementia
PSYBLOG, UK: New Dementia Treatment Triggers Brain Cell Growth
BIOTECHIN.ASIA, SINGAPORE: Scientists from NTU discover new treatment for Dementia
MEDICAL NEWS TODAY, USA: NTU scientists discover new treatment for dementia
NEWS MEDICAL, USA: NTU Singapore Scientists find new way to treat dementia
CHINA.ORG.CN, CHINA: Singapore scientists discover new way to treat dementia
ECNS (CHINA NEWS SERVICE WEBSITE), CHINA: Scientists discover new way to treat dementia
AIDSVIRUSNEWS, USA: Scientists discover new treatment for dementia
THESIFSTERHOOD.TUMBLIR: Scientist discover new treatment for dementia
FIRST WORD MEDTECH, USA: New treatment for dementia discovered: Deep brain stimulation
ZLIVING, USA: Science Says: Ray Of Hope For Dementia Patients
MIDTOWN BLOGGER, MANHATTAN USA: New treatment for dementia discovered: Deep brain stimulation
NO TIME UNI: New way to treat dementia by sending electrical pulses to the brain
ASIA PACIFIC STAR, ASIA: Novel treatment for dementia shows promise
THE BEST OF HEALTH, USA: ‘Pacemaker’ for the Brain Could be Effective Treatment for Dementia
LOST CHORD CHARITY, UK: Scientists discover new treatment for dementia
NEWS MEDICAL-DUTCH, THE NETHERLANDS: De wetenschappers van NTU Singapore vinden nieuwe manier om zwakzinnigheid te behandelen
BUSINESS STANDARD, INDIA: Novel treatment for dementia shows promise
NEWS RADIO CLEVELAND (WTAM), USA: Deep Brain Stimulation To Help Dementia Patients
ALPHAGALILEO NEWS, FRANCE: NTU scientists discover new treatment for dementia
BERITA RTM, MALAYSIA: Saintis NTU Temui Rawatan Baru Dementia
AMAZON HERALD, UK: NTU scientists discover new treatment for dementia
THE ASIAN AGE, India: Sending electrical impulses to brain help treat dementia
EINNEWS, WASHINGTON DC: Scientists discover new treatment for dementia
NZHEALTHTEC, NEW ZEALAND: Scientists learn new diagnosis for dementia
INDONESIA NEWS, INDONESIA: Singapore scientists discover new way to treat dementia
INDIA NEWS, INDIA: Novel treatment for dementia shows promise
SIN CHEW DAILY 星洲日報 (28/05/2015), MALAYSIA: 助腦部分泌更多血清素 - 腦深部電刺激治憂鬱症
THEANTDAILY (25.07.2015): When a zap to the brain can actually do you good
DANGOTE NEWS, AFRICA: NTU scientists discover new treatment for dementia
ASIA TRAVEL TODAY, ASIA: NTU discovers new dementia treatment by sending electrical impulses to the brain
MEDMERITS, USA: Scientists use deep brain stimulation to treat dementia
DRUGSTORE36, USA: Treatment of dementia by deep brain stimulation
MJN eNEWS, MALAYSIA: Electric shock could help slow dementia
FOUNTIA: Deep Brain Stimulation shows promise as Dementia Treatment
DEMANJO: New treatment for dementia discovered: Deep brain stimulation
BALITA, PHILLIPINES: Singapore scientists discover new way to treat dementia
ASIA NEWS NETWORK, THAILAND: NTU discovers new dementia treatment by sending electrical impulses to the brain
PSYCHOLOGY STUDY NEWS, USA: NTU Scientists discover new treatment for dementia
FEECHA: NTU scientists discover new treatment for dementia NTU scientists discover new treatment for dementia NTU Scientists discover new treatment for dementia
HEALTH FEED: Scientists discover new treatment for dementia
INTERAKSYON TV5, PHILLIPINES: Singapore scientists discover new way to treat dementia
VANCOUVERDESI, CANADA: Novel treatment for dementia shows promise
TRENDS IN MENSHEALTH: New way to treat dementia revealed using ‘brain pacemaker
ETALIA, UK: Pacemaker for the brain could treat dementia
CHINA-ASEAN EXPO, CHINA: Singapore scientists discover new way to treat dementia
BARCHESTER, IRELAND: 'Brain pacemaker' could be used to treat dementia
LOCKERDOME, USA: Novel treatment for dementia shows promise
IRAN NEWS, IRAN: New Treatment for dementia
RADIO PAKISTAN NEWS, PAKISTAN: NTU scientists discover new treatment for dementia
DPA-AFX INTERNATIONAL COMPACT, VIENNA, AUSTRIA: Deep Brain Stimulation To Help Dementia Patients
MYINFORMS, USA: ‘Pacemaker’ for the Brain Could be Effective Treatment for Dementia
NIMBLE PIXIE, USA: New Treatment for Dementia that Works
ALL PINOYNEWS, PHILLIPINES: Singapore scientists discover new way to treat dementia
OOYUZ: NTU scientists discover new treatment for dementia Medical News Today
SGTALK, SINGAPORE: NTU scientists discover new treatment for dementia
THE WEB.COM.SG, SINGAPORE: NTU scientists discover new way to treat dementia by sending electrical pulses – The Straits Times
ABOUT PSYCHOLOGY, USA: NTU scientists discover new treatment for dementia
FEMTO MEDICINE, USA: NTU scientists discover new treatment for dementia
NEWS HUB, SINGAPORE: New therapy for dementia discovered: Deep brain stimulation
科訊醫療網, CHINA: 植入式“腦起搏器” 有望治療老年癡呆
PETS STATION NEWS, USA: Scientists discover new treatment for dementia
THE ART OF SERVICE, USA: Scientists from NTU discover new treatment for Dementia
MAINTAIN ONLINE CLOUD TECHNOLOGY, CHINA: Scientists discover new way to treat dementia
INET POST, USA: Deep Brain Stimulation To Help Dementia Patients
DAIJI WORLD, INDIA: Novel treatment for dementia shows promise
聯合早報網 (www.zaobao.com.sg), SINGAPORE: 南大新實驗或有助 - 開創失智癥新療法
兩極哲理 - 機構, SINGAPORE: 南大新實驗或有助 - 開創失智癥新療法
ENTERPRISE INNOVATION, ASIA: NTU scientists discover new treatment for dementia
BRAIN MYSTERIES: Could pacemaker in the brain treat dementia?
COMMUTER EXPRESS, PHILLIPINES: Scientists uncover cure to dementia
MAYA TODAY, INDIA: Novel treatment for dementia shows promise
KAUMUDIGLOBAL, INDIA: New treatment for Dementia by NTU scientists
NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY NEWS RELEASES, SINGAPORE: NTU scientists discover new treatment for dementia
SUNWAY UNIVERSITY NEWS RELEASES, MALAYSIA: Malaysian scientist from Sunway University discovers that deep brain stimulation can help to treat dementia
SUNWAY UNIVERSITY INTERNET FRONT PAGE COVER, MALAYSIA: Major Breakthrough in Combating Depression and Dementia by Sunway University Scientist
FACEBOOK FRONT PAGE -SCHOOL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, SINGAPORE: Our NTU School of Biological Sciences researchers have discovered new ways to treat dementia, improve patient's memory.
FACEBOOK FRONT PAGE-DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, SUNWAY UNIVERSITY, MALAYSIA: Sunway University Associate Professor Lim Lee Wei and his former colleagues from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore have discovered t...
(iv) Research News (2015)
LW LIM, J Prickaerts, G Huguet, E Kadar, H Hartung, T Sharp, Y Temel. (2015) Electrical stimulation alleviates depressive-like behaviors of rats: Investigation of brain targets and potential mechanisms. Translational Psychiatry. 5: e535.
PR NEWSWIRE, UK: Researchers discovered breakthrough for depression
ANTARA NEWS, INDONESIA: Researchers discovered breakthrough for depression
YONHAP NEWS, KOREA: 연구원들, 획기적인 우울증 치료법 발견 Researchers discovered breakthrough for depression
KABARI NEWS, INDONESIA: Depresi dapat diobati
CORE COMMUNIQUE, INDIA: Researchers discovered breakthrough for depression
ASIA FRESH NEWS, ASIA: Researchers discovered breakthrough for depression
NU.NL, THE NETHERLANDS: Mogelijke behandeling depressie door diepe hersenstimulatie
MEDZINE, THE NETHERLANDS: Diepe hersenstimulatie tegen depressie
GGZtotaal, THE NETHERLANDS: Mogelijke behandeling depressie door diepe hersenstimulatie
JOOP.NL, THE NETHERLANDS: Mogelijke doorbraak behandeling depressie
GUANG MING ONLINE光明日報(12/05/2015), MALAYSIA: 大馬醫生發現治憂鬱靶點-電激腦部助分泌血清素
醫源世界 (MEDICAL WORLD), CHINA: 治療憂郁癥最有效的方法 - 以腦深部電刺激前額葉皮層
ONE NEWS PAGE, UK: Researchers Discover Breakthrough Treatment for Depression
MAASTRICHT UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER NEWS, THE NETHERLANDS: Possible treatment depression with deep brain stimulation
TELEGRAF, THE NETHERLANDS: Stap in strijd tegen depressie
YAHOO NEWS: Researchers discovered breakthrough for depression
METRO CEBU NEWS, PHILLIPINES: Researchers Discover Breakthrough Treatment for Depression
MAASTRICHT UNIVERSITY NEWS RELEASES, THE NETHERLANDS: Mogelijke behandeling depressie door diepe hersenstimulatie
LIFE SCIENCES INDUSTRY NEWS: Researchers Discover Breakthrough Treatment for Depression
MYMETRO, MALAYSIA: 350 juta kemurungan
MALAYSIA BUSINESS NEWS, MALAYSIA: Researchers Discover Breakthrough Treatment for Depression
PETS STATION, USA: Researchers Discover Breakthrough Treatment for Depression
神農山藥網BIG SUNYET, CHINA: 憂郁癥療法大突破
SIN CHEW DAILY星洲日報(28/05/2015), MALAYSIA: 助腦部分泌更多血清素 - 腦深部電刺激治憂鬱症
SIN CHEW DAILY星洲日報 (05/06/2015), MALAYSIA: 腦部深部電刺激治憂鬱症
FOCUS WEEK, MALAYSIA: Pacemaker for the brain
THEANTDAILY: When a zap to the brain can actually do you good
HIGH BEAM RESEARCH: Researchers Discover Breakthrough Treatment for Depression
SUNWAY UNIVERSITY NEWS RELEASES, MALAYSIA: Researchers found a specific brain target stimulation for depression
The Straits Times, Singapore. (Interviewed by Melody Zaccheus, 04/2015; publication date: 04/04/2015)
MedicalResearch.com, USA. (Interviewed by Dr. Marie Benz, 07/04/2015)
Blaze Magazine, Cover Story Feature, Malaysia. (Interview date: 05/2015; publication date: 06/2015)
Research Spotlight Magazine, Sunway University, Malaysia. (2016)
BFM 89.9, the Business Station Radio Broadcast, Malaysia. (Interviewed by Miss Jermaine Bee, 07/03/2016; Broadcast date: 18/03/2016)
Viralcham TV. (15/09/2017)
Guang Ming Daily 光明日報, Malaysia. (Interviewd by 唐秀麗, 05/2015; Publication date: 12/05/2015 and 16/06/2015)
Sin Chew Daily 星洲日報, Malaysia. (Interviewed by 劉景儀 and 崔碧慧, 05/2015; Publication date: 28/05/2015)
South China Morning Post (Interviewed by Anthea Rowan, 09/2022; Publication date:13/12/2022)
Blaze Magazine- Front Page Cover Story of Associate Professor Lim Lee Wei, Sunway University, Malaysia. Volume 10, Issue 33, June 2015
Selected Person of the “Ten Malaysian Scientists Whose Research is making the World a Better Place”, published by Darian Goh, Says Limited Company, Malaysia (02/10/2015)
TOYM SUMMIT 十杰峰会 (17/05/2017)
The Star - Nominate your choice for Outstanding Young Malaysian awards (26/05/2017)
My FM – Malaysia Radio Broadcast on TOYM SUMMIT 十杰峰会 – Keynote Speaker. (17/05/2017)
Ten Outstanding Young Malaysian Award Magazine, Junior Chamber International. (2015)